Sunday, January 20, 2008

New Years Resolution...

break-time is over, but it was nice for awhile. Sofie got to play in the snow in Spokane at xmas, and we came home to a lovely pirate gift from our neighbors, thank so much guys.
In house news, we've moved into the kitchen for some re-arranging. This has been partially inspired by the killer deal on our new used gas range [thanks Philpott!], and partially by our own desire to cram in a dishwasher. Stay tuned...
Also thanks to Aunt Beth for the cool "Still Life with Persimmons"!


Taryn said...

killer stove!!!! looks good, you guys. can't wait to come over for some bbq . . .

jeaninemarcucci and josette jackson said...

Can't wait to see in person the changes - don't know which I am more excited about - snowfie is awesome and miss her - stove is awesome and can't wait to bond with Stewart and Danie with this incredible piece of equipment - and can't wait to see changes in person. Love that my "squares" are still a focal point in the living room. Miss you guys - mom/jeanine